Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Elvis Facts

A couple of months into my research I found a list entitled, Little Known Facts About Elvis.  The list was made up of about 20 items.  Only one stuck in my mind.  It read: Not many people know that Elvis stuttered.  I was surprised, and slightly confused.  I mean he was a singer, an actor.  I watched him perform on the Ed Sullivan Show, Milton Berle Show, Steve Allen Show, Johnny & Tommy Dorsey Show...........he never stuttered, not once.  Is this really true??  So I tucked it away.  Thinking it must be a mistake.  As my research continued, it was mentioned from time to time.  What are they talking about.  A slight speech impediment I thought.  Nothing obvious for sure.  I located the website for L.C. Humes High School where Elvis graduated.  Students post memories of their long gone school days.  Several mention knowing Elvis.  But one former classmate, mentioned Elvis' speech.  This is what she writes:  Elvis Presley and I were good friends and he liked to come over to my house because my mother would make him toasted cheese sandwiches and his beloved peanut butter and banana sandwiches.
After graduation, when Elvis was beginning to make a name for himself as a singer, I received a phone call from Miss Ginny Allensworth asking me to come over to Humes and help Elvis with his English because he had been invited to sing on the Ed Sullivan Show.  I laughed and said, "Miss Ginny, Elvis wouldn't listen to me when we were in school and I doubt if he would listen to me now."
I did meet Elvis at Humes and he agreed to let me coach him.  After talking for a while, he said "Well, if you are so intent on helping me, why don't you come to New York, too, to be sure I do it right."  I ended up backstage at the Ed Sullivan Show and got to see Elvis perform.
I wondered why would he need help?  With what exactly.

About a week and a half ago I'm watching Elvis on YouTube.  I like the old stuff from way back in the 50s.  I may have missed out on seeing him when It happened, thanks to the electronic age, I can watch it here in present day. Exactly like it happened.  I come across a video named  Elvis Presley (Live From The Louisiana Hayride) by OnlyFifties. When I listen to it I can hardly believe what I hear.  Elvis first appeared on the Hayride Oct. 16, 1954, but there is no date identifying the exact date of the video.  Sure enough Elvis did indeed stutter.  I was amazed, shocked, as to how severe his stutter was. Since he never displayed this characteristic, I thought it must have been a very temporary situation.  After all he was only 19.  I listened to Elvis during a recording session for the song Like A Baby (Takes 1,2 and 4) posted on YouTube by Jackiej61too.  Which was done in 1960 for his first album after his discharge from the Army, Elvis Is Back.  Between the first and second take one can hear him stutter.  So the condition was not temporary.  He still had it at age 25. 
I have read many times that he was painfully shy growing up.  Maybe this is one of the reasons why.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 23, 2011 Elvis Basics

Hi !!!

My research today confirms yet again the Presley family moved quite a bit during Elvis' younger years.  Mainly in search of affordable housing.  When Elvis was 13, they move to Memphis TN. 

Here Elvis is exposed to cultural sights and sounds he would have missed out on, had they remained in Mississippi.  He enjoys attending all night gospel churches.  The music is different and very much to his liking.

  He sings at his High School Minstrel Show on April 9, 1953. The program for the event, miss-spells his name. He is #16 out of 22 participants.   He gets the most applause, and is asked for an encore when he sings the current Teresa Brewer hit; Till I Waltz Again With You.  He graduates from High School on June 3rd .  He seeks out employment and is hired by M.B Parker Machinist Shop.  In September he gains employment by  Crown Electric as a truck driver delivering parts to work sites. 

In July 1953 Elvis walked into Sun Records to record his voice for the first time.  It cost him $3.98.  He chooses My Happiness, and That's When Your Heartaches Begin. 
The following year he returns to Sun, and records Casual Love Affair and I'll Never Stand In Your Way in January 4,1954.  In July Sam sets up a meeting with guitarist Scotty Moore to meet Elvis and critique his potential.  Elvis shows up at Scotty's house.  Scotty calls Bill Black for his opinion. The guys weren't blown away at Elvis' talent, but agreed with the right song he could perhaps be alright.  The trio attempts to cut a record a few days later.  Sam Phillips the owner of Sun Records, has a song in mind called Without You.
The first few hours result in nothing.  Everyone decides to take a break.  Elvis picks up his guitar and starts messing around with a song that came out when he was three years old called That's Alright Mamma by Arthur Grudup.  The others join in and Sam loves the sound.  Elvis makes his first his first record!

This is an understated basic description of course.  I am one for details and impressions.  Some details I have stumbled up quite by accident.  Others I sought out. It's like trying to piece together a giant puzzle.  Each time one piece fits, there are twice as many questions to replace it. Each time I research, I find out something new and often times thought provoking.

Whatever I discover, you can discover too.  I never know what subject I will focus on from day to day.  But what ever it is, you can read about it here.  Some websites have different details on the same events.  Some sites clearly have the wrong information. 

I found out today that Gladys' father died when she was 19 from heart failure. Her mother died when she was 23 a few months after Elvis was born from Tuberculosis.  Her parents were first cousins.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 22, 2011.... First Posting

 Hello, Let me explain how I ended up here.  Last year I turned 60 (Aug. 8th) a milestone in any one's life.  I wanted a CD of all the songs I liked my entire life. I've always liked music, so the list was pretty long.  On this list was of course Elvis.  I had always liked two of his songs: It's Now Or Never, and Can't Help Falling In Love.  From the first time I heard these songs, I was spellbound by them.  I break out in goose bumps to this day whenever I listen to Can't Help Falling In Love.  Why?  I have no idea.
I wanted to know when the songs were released, so I googled them.  Instantly a photo of Elvis appeared on my IPhone.  I was speechless.........I had no idea he EVER looked like that.  I was staring at a picture taken in 1960.  In that moment I realized two things.  I really didn't know anything about Elvis, and I was overcome by a sudden desire to find out.
So my quest began.  I know all about his drug use, weight gain, and his dying so young.  But I wanted to know so much more than that.  His career spanned over 40years.  Who was he really?  What did he do?  Why is he so recognizable so many years after he first took to the stage?
I had no idea where or how to start.  But every day I use the Internet to gain  information.  There certainly is plenty of websites to choose from.  Everything I post here is information I have learned during my research.  I have discovered that some sites relay different information.  Who is telling the truth?  Other sites give erroneous information.  I read several and try to find collaborating facts.

The basics are:  His full name is Elvis Aron Presley, born on January 8, 1935, at home in Tupelo Mississippi.  His twin brother, Jesse Garon Presley  was stillborn.  His parents were Vernon Elvis Presley, and Gladys Love Presley. Elvis was named after his father, while Jesse was named after a family friend. Initially Vernon was dating Gladys' SISTER Clettes.  At the same time Gladys was dating Vernon's older brother Vester.  For some reason both brothers quit dating the Love sisters.  When they began dating again, Vernon chose Gladys.  They eventually eloped when Vernon was 17.  And Vester married Clettes.  Two brothers married two sisters.   Vernon and Gladys almost didn't end up together.
Many times I have read how poor Elvis and his family were.  Well the whole country was poor.  It was 1935.  The Great Depression was going on. Vernon borrowed money from his boss to build a house for his new family.  The family was close knit and Elvis grew up in a loving home.  It is emphasized again and again how close Elvis was to his mother.  Too close.  Well I can relate to that.  You see, I was an orphan.  I grew up without parents, or any relatives....none.  So when I had my first child, we were close. Very close.  So I understand where she was coming from.  She lost one child, and only had one child. The bond between Elvis and his mother Gladys grew even stronger when his father was sent to prison for forging a check. He served eight months in prison.  Elvis was about three. It was during this time that his boss demanded payment for the house loan, and Gladys and Elvis were forced to move in with Vester. His parents were religious.  The family attended the Assembly of God church. Manners were also very important to his parents, and Elvis was a well mannered child.  This characteristic didn't change after fame found him.
There aren't many pictures of Elvis when he was very young.  Too expensive.  Although the family relied on welfare to get by, Elvis recalls a happy childhood.  He never went hungry, or without necessities. They moved several times while he was growing up.  The most influential move of course is when the family moved from Tupelo to Memphis.
It is getting late.........so I'm going to close for now.  Hope you enjoyed, and maybe learned something :)
Hope to be back tomorrow.
